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Arrowhead Plant | Care Difficulty – Easy

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Young arrowhead plants are bushy and usually pretty full, making them attractive indoor plant choices for coffee tables, side tables, and other surfaces. As the plants grow and mature, they develop a climbing habit, making them fun to grow up trellises or other structures. However, you can prune them back to keep them bushy if you don’t want them trailing around your house.  I have also seen them referred to as the goosefoot plant, based on the shape of the leaves.

When you don’t know anything about houseplants, any plant can seem intimidating. But once you get 1,2,10, 30 of them in your house, your anxiety starts to diminish. That is when the addiction kicks in! I went through a phase where I didn’t research what care a particular plant needed, I just went for the gusto! I don’t advise this approach. You should always learn about the care of a plant before bringing it home so you have a better chance of keeping it alive.

If you want to add color your plant collection, the arrowhead plant comes in beautifully variegated foliage flushed with white, cream, silver, pink, or purple. When it comes to plants, I am a green girl… that’s mainly because I use my plants as decor, second to furniture.

Light Requirements

Grow arrowhead plants in low- or medium-light spots. Most varieties can grow in brighter light, as long as they’re not exposed to too much direct sun, especially in hot-summer climates. If exposed to direct sunlight, they can suffer from sunburn. If you own one that is light green, white, pink, or burgundy in color, you need a medium to high light. The leaves of all arrowhead plants are “bleached” and turn an ugly gray-green color when placed in the direct sun.

Water Requirements

The arrowhead plant should have moist potting soil and dry out slightly between waterings. Add less water in the fall and winter.

Optimum Temperature

They prefer average to warm temperatures of 60-75 degrees (F). As with most plants, avoid cold drafts and heat vents.

Fertilizer – Plant Food

Fertilize every two weeks in the spring and summer, when an arrowhead plant is actively growing, with a balanced, liquid plant food diluted to 1/2 the recommended strength. Feed monthly in the fall and winter.

Additional Care

Plant Characteristics to Watch For

Diagnosing what is going wrong with your plant is going to take a little detective work, but even more patience! First of all, don’t panic and don’t throw out a plant prematurely.
Take a few deep breaths and work down the list of possible issues. Below, I am going to share some typical symptoms that can arise. When I start to spot troubling signs on a plant, I take the plant into a room with good lighting, pull out my magnifiers, and start by thoroughly inspecting the plant.

The leaves look bleached almost, a gray-green color.

  • The leaves of all arrowhead plants are “bleached” and turn an ugly gray-green color when placed in the direct sun.
  • Solution: Relocate the plant or hang a sheer curtain in the window to soften the light coming in.

My plant is looking pale and anemic.

  • This can be due to spider mites.
  • Solution: See below regarding pest invasions.
My plant has brown spots with yellow rings around them.
My plant doesn’t appear to be growing.
The leaves are yellowing.

The leaf tips are turning brown.

Common Bugs to Watch For

If you want to have healthy houseplants, you MUST inspect them regularly. Every time I water a plant, I give it a quick look-over.  Bugs/insects feeding on your plants reduces the plant sap and redirects nutrients from leaves. Some chew on the leaves, leaving holes in the leaves.  Also watch for wilting or yellowing, distorted, or speckled leaves. They can quickly get out of hand and spread to your other plants.
If you see ONE bug, trust me, there are more. So, take action right away. Some are brave enough to show their “faces” by hanging out on stems in plain sight. Others tend to hide out in the darnedest of places, like the crotch of a plant or in a leaf that has yet to unfurl.


As I was taking photos for this posting, I noticed that a stem hanging out from the front side of the plant. To help retain the lushness of this plant, I decided to cut it off and propagate it so I can grow another plant.

  1. Cut a 3-to-5-inch stem from an existing healthy plant, leaving at least one node (the point at which a leaf emerges from the stem) and some leaves at the tip.
  2. Place the cutting in a clean container with fresh tap water, making sure there are no leaves submerged under the water.
  3. Set the container in a location where it will receive bright light but not direct sunlight.
  4. Keep cuttings away from cold drafts. A room temperature of about 70ᵒF is ideal.
  5. Now, we need to wait for the plant stem to produce some roots. This process can take several weeks. While you wait, it is important to change the water in your container periodically so that it stays clean and provides oxygen. Bacterial growth in the water can lead to rotting. Change water at least twice a week or when it starts to look cloudy.
  6. Once you see roots form on your stems, let them develop in water for another week or two and then plant them into a small, well-draining container with potting medium.
  7. Keep the medium moist until you begin to see signs of new leaf initiation on the plants, and then cut back on watering to about once each week.


Arrowhead plants have medium to severe toxicity. Eating parts of these houseplants may result in vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, skin irritation, and breathing difficulties.

6 thoughts on “Arrowhead Plant | Care Difficulty – Easy

  1. Audrey Glenski says:

    Hi! I have a huge Arrow plant ( for years) it is starting to vine & need some info on what to do with these vines. Thank you.

    • amie-sue says:

      Sorry for the delay in getting to you Audrey. I have been sick all throughout Christmas. Just like any other plant that vines, you have three options:

      1. Cut the vines off and propagate them. This will help your plant bush out more if that is a desired look.
      2. Let them hang. Place the plant in a hanging pot and let the vines dangle, very pretty.
      3. Place a moss pole in the center of the plant, and wrap the vines around it.

      I hope this helps, blessings. amie sue

  2. Susan Weiss says:

    Exact info I was looking for. Thanks

  3. Susan George says:

    Thank you. Got some important tips.

  4. Amanda Stroud says:

    I am not sure that I have an arrowhead plant (due to how sick he was when I got him) but he looks awfully similar to all the other pictures I have seen so far. His name is Hank and he just looks like he has covid and just plain doesn’t feel good. I don’t know wht to do I have tried everything even got him his own grow light in his own personal spot with no cold doors opening and closing to speak of nor any other plant around to bother him; I was hoping he would come around. His leaves have the bleached look to them and he absolutely refuses to grow any taller or wider. Oh and every so often the top of his soil will look like it has turned white from being so soaked but under that top layer it feels as if he is dehydrated as can be. The only other thing I can think of is how close he and his twin are together in the pot… I am begging for any suggestions to help me help him grow up nice and strong. It is amost as if he is stuck as a preteen! Not tiny but nowhere near able to grow into a vine. I would show a picture but not really sure that i can or even how to. Desperate in NC!!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hmmm, goodness. Let’s see if I can help narrow this down Amanda. Diagnosing plants is always a challenge let alone one I can’t see or experience.

      First off, bleached looking leaves can be a result of direct sun so double check the amount and type of light that Hank is getting.

      A sign of white soil can be a few things. Is it fuzzy? Could be mold. If it is, you can scrap off that layer and see how it does. If it keeps returning, you might need to replace the soil. Also, be careful that you aren’t overwatering. It can also be salt residue which is caused by an excess of salts in the soil. Two things can be tried, flush the soil by watering it thoroughly, making sure the pot has drainage holes so it can run out. It might hard water. If you have hard water, use distilled water.

      Let’s start there since there are so many possible variables! Keep me posted, amie sue

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